dBplus acoustic consultants have the most up-to-date sound measurement technology available on the market, guaranteeing the reliability and quality of the tests we carry out. dBplus take noise and vibration measurements according to the client’s needs:
Sound insulation to ensure noise and vibration immissions conform to standards and regulations, assessment of the parameters of sound quality in a room, verification of compliance with CTE (El Código Técnico de la Edificación, Technical Code for Building Construction), measurement of noise in the workplace and noise and vibration transmissions via solid state mediums.
All of our measurement equipment complies with current legislation, periodic tests and criteria set by the Spanish Ministerial Order, dated 16th December 1998 from the Ministerio de Fomento
(BOE. 311 of 29/12/1998) and the Order dated 30th June 1999 from the Departamento de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (DOGC 2928 of 12/07/1999).